Patriot Perks

Gallant Gold Media

Mason’s faculty, staff, students, alumni, and retirees receive 15% off on education and consulting services in the sustainability, climate, and bio-diversity space at Gallant Gold Media, located at 4031 University Drive, Suite 100. Examples include consulting help starting a climate-based business, planting a pocket forest, or speaking about these issues.

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Disclaimer: George Mason University compiles these resources and programs for use as referrals only. Mason does not recommend or endorse any company or organization listed. By providing this information, the University assumes no financial or other responsibility for any relationship established by and between any company, organization, or individual listed on this website.

Upon visits, individuals must present their Mason ID or Alumni Association Member Card. Both cards are non-transferable. Discount exclusions may exist for specific businesses. View the list for discount specifics or ask participating businesses during your visit. Discounts may change or terminate without notice.

Vendor Solicitation Procedure: Businesses offering employee benefits or discounts to faculty and staff are encouraged to review the vendor solicitation procedure.